Seemebadnekai Palya

Seemebadnekai Palya ( Chao chao / Lanku / Chayote

Seemebadnekai is called chayote squash, I guess that's a spanish word, I am not sure. In India the bottom part is kind of elongated but in US it kind of fits into your palm.

Any vegetable back in my days would become a candidate for our tarkari saru. You know kids, they hate every vegetable. I was no a kid I never liked this vegetable as it feels soft and jelly when boiled in saru. I was hesitant when Mom made palya out of seemebadnekai to go with chapathi. I thought she must be kidding that we will like it. our surprise I liked it. Here goes the promotion of seemebadnekai from tarkari saru to palya forever in my recipe list.

Seemebadnekai - 2
Mustard - 1/2 tsp
Urad Dal - 1tsp
Channa Dal - 1 tsp
Green Chillies - 6
Curry leaves - 10
Coconut grated/powder - 1Tblsp
Oil for tadka
Ginger (grated) - 1/2tsp
Coriander Leaves for garnishing
Salt to taste


1. Slice the seemebadnekai into small cubes.

2. Heat oil in a pan, add mustard and wait for it to splutter.

3. Add channa dal and urad dal, fry until it turns slight brown.

4. Add ginger pieces, green chillies, curry leaves and fry for a min.

5. Add seemebadnekai cubes and fry for 2 mins.

6. Add salt to taste, cover and cook for 5-8 mins on low flame. ( This veggie holds enough water to cook, so no need to add water)

7. Garnish with coriander leaves and grated coconut powder.

Enjoy the side dish.

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